Connecting Gee and Cuddy

Gee’s theorems on his studies of discourses are interesting. The first Discourse is described as the permanent discourse. This is the discourse that is almost a requirement for a person because they have already adapted to it and taken it in on their own. They are to fully embrace and display the Discourse as a person. The values and actions of that person is too be embraced. Each person is responsible for their own path which I believe is very controversial. A person may change their own destiny, but they will never forget their home or where they came from. A person may adapt to the new environment whether it be at school, or around local peers. Gee also states that primary discourses are limited and that people are in need of more discourses, I agree with this statement that Gee makes. I believe that a primary discourse is at its fullest and will always stay the same, but people will adapt and create more discourses to the environment they are surrounded by. 

“Mushfake, resistance, and meta-knowledge: this seems to me like a good combination for successful students and successful social change”(Gee 13). Gee describes Mushfake as a person not having the right means or supplies to get something done. Meaning a person that doesn’t have the correct materials, for example a person struggling to fix their house so they put tarp over the roof to fix it from leaking rather than buying the materials or workers. Meta-knowledge is taking information from another language or discourse to apply to the current discourse a person has without being aware of what is actually happening. A person that comes into a new environment. This could be a person picking up on a new accent they never had before. Along with Gee states that resistance is successful to a person with either it being a student with new social changes. They could become involved into different situations, but with resistance they will never forget where they came from and their own beliefs and values as a person. Although changing and adapting is also good for a person to benefit them as a whole to learn and adapt to quick situations.

Cuddy’s TED talk and Gee have many similarities with how they think. The similarities with the Mushfake are very similar in how they both believe that it means “making do with something less when the real thing is not available”(Gee 13). This method is great for adapting and creating new environments and different solutions to problems. Cuddy and Gee are both similar in the fact that people have their own ways of being themselves, but can also adapt and change for the better. Gee writes about discourses and how people change their discourse to what becomes the next best thing. While Cuddy says “Don’t fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it”, this simply means the same thing. A person can be themselves but, in the end will always adapt for the better and adapt new traits as a person to make themselves better as a whole.

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