ENV 104

Course Description: Introduction to Environmental Issues orients students to environmental problems. The course emphasizes that humans are part of ecosystems within interdependent cycles, which involves other organisms, air, water, chemicals, and energy. Students will examine the relationships of humans to their environment from historical, economic, scientific, aesthetic, and ethical perspectives. In Sections I and J, we will be exploring three main themes: 1) humans and their relationship to the environment, 2) socio-ecological issues and the challenges of living on a ‘finite’ planet, and 3) concepts and pathways toward sustainability.

My Course Description:  Learning different environmental issues around the world and what is causing these issues in humanity. Learning how to fix these issues along with being able to make a difference.

What I Learned In Environmental Issues 104: In Environmental Issues I learned about the different ways humans are affecting the earth. Through different projects and prompts of readings they explain the issues that are at hand and how we can change them. There is also different ways we were explained how just driving our cars affect the earth and how we are the ones causing issues. These disasters like the melting of ice glaciers and acidic rain is affecting us all. There are many different ways we can change our ways and benefit the earth as a whole and to become better as environmentalists.